The Asian day industry limited co***ny had been established in 1999,main product by: Network transformer, network filter, transmissionline material, network communication connection as well as computerperipheral product. The network transformer/filter, is by PULSE, HALO, BEL, GTS, YCL, PPT,LINKCOM, BOTHHAND, HANRUN, COEV, SUMLNK, M-TEK, TRXCOM, GROUP-TEK,MNOVR.. And so on the domestic and foreign co***nies' technicalparameter is the datum, the product performance strives forperfection. Mainly applies to the network communication product for example: Thenetwork switchboard, the router, the HUB concentrator, PCI/USB(10/100/1000M) the net card, moves the hard disk box, ADSL, the lightend machine, network communication module, MODEN. . . . . . Since the Asian day industry limited co***ny has been is long-time inline with the "research and development, the prestige first"principle, produces the high quality the product, the fusion goodfaith faith, high efficiency post-sale service creed, causes the Asianday industry limited co***ny in everywhere fields deeply the praise. The Asian day industry research and development department, theproduction department is composed by group of experienced engineers.This specialized team continues unceasingly to strive for theinnovation, the quality and the best potency price co***red to, theAsian day industry sincere experience and the customer cooperationimportance, and persisted provides the highest quality, the be***otency price product gives the customer. The Asian day co***ny produces the manufacture, uses the high qualityPCB and the primary device material, by rigorous fine production; Theexamination craft, produces the first-class product, satisfies thecustomer the different request. The review will forecast the future inthe past, the Asian day industry limited co***ny still in line withthe principle which strove for perfection, enable the customer to have the highest degree of satisfaction as well as the best choiceto Asia.